Milí študenti a milí priatelia a podporovatelia JC SpeakUp…

31. januára 2021 skončila celoškolská súťaž nášho JC určená študentom, ktorí sa učia v JC SpeakUp z učebníc LASER.

Zúčastnilo sa jej 66 študentov, spomedzi ktorých sme vylosovali 3 víťazov: 

Jakub Ľach – L2b

Jakub Hollý – L4P

Filip Bielený – L3

Všetci traja vylosovaní získavajú od vydavateľstva Macmillan

  1. knihu zo série Graded readers
  2. záložku do knihy
  3. pero
  4. kľúčenku
  5. poznámkový blok
  6. plátenú tašku


V rámci tejto súťaže sa škola rozhodla udeliť aj mimoriadnu cenu školy za vynikajúce napredovanie a nadpriemernú úroveň angličtiny.

Túto cenu získava Emma Reichová, študentka skupiny L5P, ktorá dostane plátenú tašku a pero od vydavateľstva Macmillan.


V rámci novoročnej súťaže sme mali plán odmeniť aj najaktívnejšiu skupinu, ale napokon sme sa rozhodli, že ceny od vydavateľstva Macmillan získajú až dve vysoko aktívne skupiny:

Poznámkový blok a pero vydavateľstva Macmillan získavajú všetci zúčastnení študenti zo skupín L4P a L2P!… 

Predpokladáme, že ceny budeme odovzdávať študentom osobne, až po skončení karantény.


Všetkým víťazom srdečne blahoželáme

a všetkým študentom, ktorí sa s nami podelili o svoje krásne a hodnotné novoročné predsavzatia a zapojili sa do novoročnej súťaže zo srdca ďakujeme.



Novoročné predsavzatia našich študentov:

Všetkým, ktorí sa rozhodnú prečítať si novoročné predsavzatia našich študentov odporúčame:
– všimnúť si veľmi dobrú úroveň angličtiny už aj v tých najnižších úrovniach (L1+L2)
– porovnať úroveň angličtiny skupín L1 s L5p, na základe čoho je veľmi ľahké pochopiť, aké obrovské pokroky robia naši študenti každý rok v Jazykovom centre SpeakUp  
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Sme na vás všetkých veľmi hrdí, milí naši študenti…
A samozrejme obrovská vďaka patrí aj lektorom JC SpeakUp vo všetkých úrovniach za ich cieľavedomú prácu…
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Upozorňujeme, že všetky príspevky sú uverejňované bez úprav, čítať budete teda študentské originály:

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Andrea Tomajková, L1a
My goal is to learn to snowboard because it is a very interesting sport for me.
Martin Moskáľ, L1a
My new year´s resolution is: be good to my parents
Adam Rúčka, L1a
My goal is to read books more often
Oto Čarnogurský, L1a
I have decided that I will play playstation every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and that I will do my homework everyday. I would like to be strong. My goal is to better in English.
Filip Šoltés, L1a
I would like to pass a test to eight year gymnasium and to be accepted to study. I would like to meet my friends. I would like to take the best care of my rabbit. I would like to read more books. I would like to play less games on PC. Happy new year 2021
Petronela Filipová, L1a
I would like to improve my table tennis skills. I got,a new better ping pong racket for Christmas. I want to work on my game technics .Our neighbor Igor learn me to play. My goal is to win over my father.
Tobias Kovac, L1a
I want to go back to school, live normal life without coronavirus, play with my friends and go on with my family.
Nina Macejková, L1a
This year I want to do this: learn more English, read more books, go out more.
Katarína Hudáková, L1b
My dream is to learn how to ride a horse and to enhance my riding skills. It is my dream from childhood.
Bronislava Fridmanová, L1b
I will eat less chunky and sweet food and snacks. I would like to slander/gossip less. I want to stretch and workout more for my flexibility. I will paint more.
Lara Korvínová, L1b
My dream is to speak English very well and have dog.
I want to improve in horse riding.
I would like to improve in skiing.
Laura Maguthová, L1b
I would like to speak English better. I wand try something new. I will read more books. I have decided eat less
candies. My dream is visit new country. I´m going to do exercise every day. My goal is do exam on High school.
Alexandra Šándorová, L1b
I decided to practice the piano every day. It should be more than 3 times. My dream is to learn to play songs from the radio which I like. My goal is to stop playing after on my laptop after 8:40 in the evening.
Petra Petruščáková, L1b
I really wish we were all healthy. I want to exercise more. I want to learn more. I want to help my mom and dad cook and bake. My goal is to read as many books as possible. I would like to learn to knit. I would like to learn how to cook soups.
Ján Šebest, L2a
I would like to more run. I would like to eat more vegetables .I want do more homeworks. My goal is to read minimum 7 books. I have an intention to be better in english. I have a desire to go on holiday in summer
Lenka Kovalčíková, L2a
I’m not giving myself a New Year’s resolution because I don’t think that’s a way to make me do something. I’m not saying I don’t want to improve on some things, such as starting to read books (my small goal is to read about 10 books by the end of the year), listening to my parents much more than last year, devoting so much time to school that I can only have units to report card. I would like to learn how to make cakes, desserts, maybe bake breads and baguettes. Helping people when they need help with some work, but also when I just smile at them. I don’t like to call these things New Year’s resolutions, because they are things I can always do. That’s all from me. Goodbye !
Jakub Ľach, L2b
My goal is
1. Unlock full front lever
2. Unlock straddle planche or at least adv. tuck planche
3. Do Handstand
4. Do 25 pull ups
5. Do at least 1 muscle up
6. Deadlift 100 kilograms
7. Bench press 80 kilograms
8. Squat 100 kilograms
9. Do 35 dips
Hope you enjoy my list
Šimon Pamula, L2b
1.I have decided to do exercises at home every day in the new year.
2.I will read five books in the new year.
3.I am going to collect lego tanks and army badges.
4.I would like to have one from Geografy.
5.I will catching pokemons in the new year.
Lea Reichová, L2b
1. – I would like to find some new internet friends that I can befriend.
2. – I want to study harder for my exams.
3. – I am going to pay more attention to my dog.
4. – I hope that year 2021 is going to be better than year 2020.
5. – My goal is to succesfully end 7th grade.
6. – I have intentions to start reading more books.
7. – I have decided that I want to start programming.
8. – I want Covid19 to end.
9. – I would like to progress in my English.
10. – I hope my familly and my friends are going to stay healthy and happy.
Alžbeta Voščeková, L2b
– I would like to improve in playing the ukulele (ukulele is small gitare)
– I would like to improve in drawing and painting
– I would like to go for more walks outside
– I would like to be nice to my parents, teachers, and elders and show respect to them
– I would like to read more books than last year
– I would like to be nice to other people and I would like to be friendly to kids
Jakub Gaborik, L2b
My dream is to fly in the sky
My dream is one month
I will a rock star
I will a postman
My goal is a have a ferrari F12 Berlinetta
Matúš Gríger, L2b
I would like to more train. My goal is to run ten kilometres, but without stopping. I would like to read five books a year. I would like to improve in learning all the subject. My dream is to spend less time on social networking service.
Hana Dorota Župníková, L2b
These are my new year’s resolutions. My goal is to be better at Geography, because last year i didn’t underestood it and got many bad grades and i nearly got 2 from Geography. Sadly, i still don’t understand these things but i hope i will understand it in early time. I would like to met my friend from Bratislava, because now we can just call each other. I also wanna be better at gymnastics,because when i was younger, i was very interested in gymnastics and i liked that, but in certain age, i stopped with gymnastics. I also had not very happy memory from last year when i was trying to do pullups and the pullup bar fell on me.
Lenka Smetanová, L2P
I have an intention
To stop listening too much music
To learn more
To be more active
To be less toxic
To be more social
Igor Cabra, L2P
BE more helpfull. becose i want be more helpfull becose are lots of work in 2021
Karolína Baselidesová, L2P
I want in 2021 be happy. Yes i now it looks simple but being really happy, and enjoy every second is much harder, every day do something that make me happy. I also want be a better person, like be nicer to other people and built new friends and be nicer to myself because i think i am relly bad to myself. I want to follow my dream. My biggest dream is to be with my family healthy and together.
Ivana Schmidtová, L2P
I would like to better organise every day, because it’s clearly for me what I have to do and how much free time I’ll have. Then I’ve decided to go to bed earlier, so I won’t be tired in the morning. I am also going to do workouts every day, because of the coronavirus pandemic we can’t do sports like skiing.
Tamara Melikovová, L2P
For this year I haven’t made so many big resolutions, but still, I’ve made some small ones. I have decided to care a bit more about myself and than about others, because it’s pretty important these days. I have desired to reach some of my goals, especially around sport. I would like to discover some new hobbies, or improve myself in the old ones. If it’s possible, I would like to discover some new places abroad, but if it’s not, than I’ll probably get to know some new places in my country. My resolutions aren’t that original, because I haven’t really got an intention to change my life to diffrent. I just want to live through this year happy, healthy and in peace.
Lots of love Tamara
Nina Gubalová, L2P
In 2021 i will try to be better person , i will try to help people and make them happier because in this difficult situation, positive thinking is important. I will try to live healthier . I will try to spend more time in nature because only in this situation did I realize what I have around me and how little is enough to make a person happy.
Patrícia Petráňová, L2P
I want to read one book a month and start eating healthier, but my biggest goal is just be HAPPY and be around people which i really like.
Timea Slavkovská, L2P
I would like to compliment at least one person every day.
I would like to be more active.
I want read more books.
Miškovský Marcel, L2P
For this year i have no resolutions but my goal is when i will less play games
I would like to be more helpful at Home for example washing dishes or take out the trash than i also want every year be better and better in englishAdela Čarnogurská
Adela Čarnogurská, L2P
In this new year, I would like to make 15 push ups per month. I think this will be a big challenge and I can overcome myself. I choose this resolution because I want to live healthier and happier life.
Filip Bielený, L3
I wish that the corona will end this year, I hope so! And I want to improve my english, and I´m going to live healthier.
Samuel Kubaš, L3
This year I would like to get better at speaking German because I want to attend bilingual (Slovak-German) grammar school and also I want to make my lifestyle a bit more healthy than it was last year.
Veronika Nahálková, L3
This year I am going to stop asking what if, I´m only going to say oops. I´ll set goals that scare me and excite me at the same time. In 2021 I would like to learn how to play guitar and many other things.
Dominika Lopuchová, L3
This year, I am going to read more books, because I started to enjoy that and reading improve my memory and vocabulary.
Dávid Dikant, L3
I have decided that I want to be more active that means I will start to work out more so I can keep shape during these hard times.
My goal for this year is to reduce time infront of computer so I can study more and think about my plans in future.
Sofia Vašková, L3
I have an intention to be more sport person and not to be couch potato. I would to be more productive in sport and have a better figure. I think, that almost everybody wants that. Also I want to be more productive in helping with housework, like when my mother tell me to clean up something, I will do that at that moment and I won’t wait for ,,the right moment“.
Marko Lojek, L3
For this year I don’t have some special resolution. Only the common one, like for example, eat better food, or going more to the gym. But I gave myself a challenge, that I can’t use my social media for the entire week. I hope that I can make it because it’s a big problem for the most of jung people. With this challenge I want to reach the goal that I will spend my time more usefully. For example read more newspaper , or better prepare for test and also in school, because when we’re learning at home, oftentimes I’m not fully concerned on the lessons. I think that we are finally going back to the schools, so I’m trying to be prepared, when we will be back in the schools. And the last one resolution but the most important is to pass this school year and successfully go through another.
Michal Ľach, L3P
I’ve decided to hold on some New Year’s resolution. I started doing new sport a year ago – skateboarding and I want to get better at it. I need to do it as much as possible, I have a place to do it through winter and I can go to local skatepark in summer, so I can fulfill it easily. I also want to live as healthy as possible, so only a little snacks and fizzy drinks.
Samuel Riedl, L3P
I would like to watch less TV series. I have decided to do my homeworks more.
I want to better manage my time.
Michaela Murgašová, L3P
This year I am going to have better grades I am also going to practise English more. I would like to finish reading Harry Potter series too.
Tamara Pazúrová, L3P
In the New Year I will stop cheating on exams. I want spend time more with my friends and family and my dream is to travel to Switzerland.
Richard Malý, L3P
My new year´s goal is to start running, because my running condition is a bit poor but it´s not the worst. My second resolution is to eat more healty food. And my third and the biggest priority is to play less video games.
Daniela Kremmerová, L3P
I Will try to reduce junk food. Because last year a ate a lots of junk food and now I to change it. I Would also like to start exercising more. Because I want to stay fit. I Will try to read five books by the end of the year.
Tereza Kremmerová, L3P
In the new year I am planning to get rid off my old unhealthy habits. There are many of them. But my main goal is to start eating more healthy. My second goal is to be nicer to people and improve my relationships. Next goal of mine is to educate myself more in English and be able to express what I want to say without long thinking. So these are my main goals:)
Natália Kopaňáková, L3P
My goal in 2021 is to exercise regulary and do more sports, also I want to spend less time on social media.
In this year I would love to travel more if it will be possible because of situation in world.
Eunika Mervartová, L3P
I have many high expectations for this year, although we are still in quarantine.
I intend to improve in German and English language. In addition, I would like to lose a few pounds and find more time for the activities I enjoy, such as learning history and gaining new knowledge about space. And of course, I wish I could spend more time with my loved ones and friends.
I believe that all of this will soon become a reality.
Milan Nahalka, L3P
i hope this year will be better,my resolutions in my new year are: i hope this year i will pass my middle school. Next i want get driving licence (on tractor and car too). i hope i will pass my English school.
Ráchel Svistáková, L3P
In 2021 I would like to be more open in that sense to understand the opinions I don´t like, because I´m very stubborn person an in some ways I just see only my point of view.
Also my goal is to exercise more, because I don´t do much sports for 3 years and I used to train two – phase before that. And I eat a lot, so it would be appropriate. (Thanks God for my metabolism)
My biggest dream for this year is to love myself more. I mean my natural self. Before quarantine, I tought I´m in the end of this journey, but during this times I realized I´m on the halfway. I think we´re all beautiful the way we trully are and I really love to tell people they are beautiful, because I mean it and than they had better day maybe. For now, I think of myself that I´m beautiful and I´m learning to make my imperfections the best part of me .
Laura Mojžitová, L4
I’ll try to work harder this year and by that I mean on my self. Now it sounds selfish but I kinda want to loose some weight, take better care of my hair, nails and practically my whole body. Then maybe I should focus on my personality and at least tried not to be that mean or annoying towards my brother. Also I would love to try and help my parents more often with houseworks and similar stuff like that.
Nora Kovalčíková, L4
New Year = New me ! That is a phrase which is used by a lot of people. But that is not the way I see it. It´s not that easy just change everything what is not good for me or just to add some new habits. So I don´t have a big resolutions. I would like to improve just small things everyday. I mean, it´s not hard to smile more – that´s my first small goal. Maybe, for some people it´s hard, but you can still try to find some reasons to smile. ) Then I would like to don´t give up so fast. My next small goal is reading books on daily basis. I also want to be more focused on online classes and give a little bit more attention to school. I hope to start running and exercising freqently. And I want to eat healthier – I would be really happy when it works out for me. I have an intention to reduce time on social media – they are really time consuming. But, on the other hand, I would like to text more with my friends. Hanging with them would be really better, but since corona virus have started spreading it´s really hard. I hope that it would be over soon. So, that´s it. These are my small goals which I want to follow in my life in 2021. I´m not going to write nothing more because I think that should be enough. But I wish you the best in 2021. Have a good time. Bye.
Ema Čarnogurská, L4
As at the beginning of previous years, also before 2021 even started, I have set myself several New Year’s resolutions. Over the past few years, I’ve learned that I shouldn’t resolve too much from myself. For 2020 I set my mind on too many goals, of course it’s good to have things to motivate yourself. The thing is that at the end of the year we’re disappointed in what we weren’t able to achieve. Even though it has been only 19 days, I have already failed to accomplish what I’ve resolved. One of my main goals was to do yoga on a regular basis (every single day). The first week was ok but as soon as the school started I gave up thinking I won’t be able to continue. At the moment I started once again. Besides that, I would like to focus a bit more on my family, just a few friends (who I know are making me happy and are not toxic) and myself, also love myself. I have noticed how I sometimes care more about other people and THINGS (such as school etc.) than about myself. My next desire is to be less worried and to chill! Hopefully this one won’t be that hard. Last but not least, I am dreaming about evolving my style and drawing skills as well and most importantly to stick to my resolutions through the whole year.
Hana Dikantová, L4
Usually I don’t make New Year’s resolutions but this year I have one and I also have some hopes. Same as probably everyone, my biggest hope in 2021 is that Corona virus won’t be that big threat as it’s now. I don’t want to miss my family or friends as I did in 2020. In 2021 I would love to see them whenever I want without any difficulties. My goal for this year is to start learning French. I’m learning english and german now but I’m not really good at german so I would be glad to know other foreign language. I know it’s a hard language but I love the way it sounds. Also I would love to visit France one day. Hope I will make this resolution happen and this year will be better. It has to be!
Žofia Trgiňová, L4P
If it is possible I would like to travel a lot, I would like to learn new language and have better marks at school.
Matej Kohút, L4P
I do not believe in New Year´s resolutions. I don´t even remember having any in the previous years and I think that most people will break their resolutions after one month. Personally, when I want to start or stop doing something, I just do it without waiting for New Year.
Jaroslav Mervart, L4P
I personally don’t have any New Year’s resolutions, because I find them useless. If you as a person want to move further, and I mean both physically and mentally, you should start right away with whatever you want to do, whether it’s getting fit or learning a new language. Many people will fail with their New Year’s resolutions, because they want to do them quickly, and that’s where they are wrong. You need to work with motivation, but most importantly with patience to achieve whatever you want. You don´t have to wait till the next your to do something, because it is you who is controlling yourself, not the time, weather or anybody.
Jakub Holly, L4P
I do not have any new year’s resolution because back in the day when I had new year’s resolution I have never fulfilled it and then I was just sad and I told myself that I won’t achieve anything in my future. So about 2 years ago I decided to stop this so I won’t descent into madness and protect my own mental health.
Daniela Husárová, L4P
For this year, 2021, I decided not to set any goals or resolutions. If set a resolutions I would probably try to accomplish them during January and then, I will simply give up on them. I think New Years resolutions are great but just for some people who, can be motivated to do their best if they actually see what they want to achieve. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.
Sebastián Pichnarčík, L5P
Stop Procrastinating… The biggest barrier that keeps me from reaching my goals is the desire to relax and do something fun instead of working hard. Once I get used to procrastinating, it’s difficult to snap myself out of it, so I’ll need to put in a lot of work to change this bad habit.
Emma Reichová, L5P
I would like for corona to vanish into the sea of infinite nothingness without any tangible trace, just like a planet or an entire galaxy would disappear in the close proximity of a powerful black hole, and finally leave humanity alone before we all collectively go insane.
Olívia Stasová, L5P
My dream is to focus more on my health and workout multiple times per week and also i really want to go on more walks because ive realized that is so important to go out in the situation that we are now in.
Sára Červeňová, L5P
I can feel it in my bones that this year will be different than all the others before.
The previous year made me realise that If we want to make some improvement in our lives we need to work together. But on the other hand, it is also very important to stay away from those we love. It was a tough year, isn’t it?
That is why I have decided to make an vision board and put there all positive things and thoughts I would like to go through this year. I have never done this thing before. My main goal is to show myself that I am capable of everything I have in my mind.
This board is giving me hope for better days and better tomorrows.
I strongly believe, that best thing i could do for me was to create this board to have all my wishes in one place. I put it in place, where I could look at it as often as it is even possible.
Mária Čečotová, L5P
Are New Year´s resolutions important for our lifes ? Personally , I´m not absolutely convinced about it . However as far as I´m concerned every year I make up some new year´s resolutions . There are years when I give up after 10 days and yet there some of them that last longer. New year´s resolutions give us a new chance to change our lifestyle , our mindset or routine . Last year I promised myself that I ´m going to listen to podcasts on daily bases . And I made it . One during my way to school and another on the way back .At the end of the year I found out that during the year 2020 I had spent 5000 minutes listening to podcasts . Amazing . I definitely consider it as a great time for myself . And I strongly believe that this year I can make it to 10 000 hours . Sometimes I found it quite challenging to for instance start my day with podcast also in the weekend. In spite of that I got used to it . And especially during the quarantine it became a part of my daily routine . Quarantine brings me also to the subject of covid 19 . It has changed our lives over the past year and it´s still changing .We can all agree that it´s hard not to give up. It´s hard to stay in a good mood . And surely it´s really hard to believe that it ends somewhere . To sum up this year i don´t want to go crazy about covid 19 . I want to stay healthy , I want to have patience with vaccine and with government. And I know that some of my dreams can wait another year . However we cannot bring life back. I will do anything to m to stay mentally healthy this year . It´s true also that this is my final year so I would probably like to graduate and get into college .
In conclusion although some of the people say that New Year´s resolutions are unnecessary , in my view they are pushing us to be better versions of ourselves . And that´s never uselessness.
I’m highly determined to fall in love with process of learning about the astonishing history of art as I would love to study such a wonderful subject- photography. In my opinion, it’s always good to have some extra knowledge. That’s why I take seminary classes of history even though it’s not in my intention to study that. Dream of mine which is to get to the university I adore would be the biggest reward after working hard this year. Photography has been my passion since my mum bought our first family camera. I never want to stop finding something interesting and beautiful in everything I do. That would be the biggest accomplishment for me personally and also I would assured I’m living life to the fullest.